Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Adventure 1, Session 3&4 - Spies, Escape Plan, Black Horses, Inquisitor

Elvish ghetto:
The ghetto itself is quiet, filled with many trellises along the sides of buildings and plenty of open squares lit by modified continual flame spells that flicker and move like dancing lights. A few buildings have been damaged by fire, but children still play in the streets despite the recent danger. No one accosts them, but the elves seem very unfriendly.

Makeighla discovers the carpentry shop (a two-story brick building) has a fake front door, and the windows are just wooden frames painted to look like curtains have been pulled. The chimney is exhaling smoke, a sign that someone is there, but there seems to be no entrance to the building. The only creature present is a simple rat rooting around for food.

As the party gathers for a plan, a raven approaches and speaks. It's on a quest to retrieve the case, it doesn't care about the contents, it just needs the case it can open the door and scout for the party. Lord Robert attempts to detect evil, which the creature stays out of range of. The party threatens the bird, it flees.

A dark pact:
Makeighla is sent back to investigate the door, the raven approaches her with the same offer, with a rich bonus when she delivers the case. She agrees. The tells Makeighla the trick to opening the door. The raven disappears and says it will re-visit her for the case.

An ode to a badger:
The 50-ft. square room is dimly lit by a roaring fire in a fireplace against the left wall, filling the building with modest warmth. Casting shadows throughout the room are nearly a dozen doors, propped up by metal frames, all of them unfinished. Tools hang around the walls, stacks of wood are piled beside the fire place, and sawdust covers the floor. It looks like the workshop of a carpenter obsessed with doors. A staircase leads upward in the back right corner, and one of the doors stands at the foot of the stairs. Three celestial badgers snooze around the room.

Makeighla reports this to the group, a plan is made for the elves to sneak in and assassinate the badgers. Makeighla does her's, while Fen just anger's his target. A quick battle ensues, while the party rushes into the room.

Truce & vows:
A voice calls down... A negotiation... The elves are convinced to part with the case on the condition that an elf accompanies the party to Lyceum and is allowed to copy whatever information is in the case, and take it back to Shahalesti.

Leaving Gate Pass:
As the party prepares to leave with the case, the elves get word that the council
has agreed to the Ragesians’ demands. The council has made it clear that, until they come to a decision, no one is to leave the city, on threat of death. They do not want the Ragesians to have any pretense to renew their attack.

The city is eerily silent, the air crisply cold and tainted with smoke. People cautiously step out into the streets, looking for news, and so as the party sets out to travel, it’s impossible for them not to hear the rumors.

The Gate Pass defenders drove back the initial assault, but the attack cost many lives, and even now the men on the walls report that the Ragesian attack was only a small portion of their entire force. The invading army has demanded that a group of inquisitors be allowed into the city, and threaten to renew their attack if they do not receive a prompt agreement from the city leaders. Amid these mutterings, one consistent (albeit petty) complaint is that the city has cancelled the parade for the Festival of Dreams, intended to celebrate the new year. The streets are scattered with burnt or trampled decorations that had been set up for the city-wide party, now indefinitely postponed.

Torrent suggests they seek out Councilman Erdan Menash to confirm the rumors and solicit his help in finding a way out of the city.

A few members go to warn Diogenes at Gabal's school. He thanks them for the warning. He and some remaining students intend to remain and guard the arcane treasures locked in the vault. He wishes you luck.

Erdan Menash:
Councilman Erdan Menash is one of the more colorful characters in the city council, a former merchant and tailor who used to sell well-crafted but horribly unfashionable gear to adventurers, with the goal of making sure everyone knew he was the one sponsoring their heroism. Torrent does not know him personally, but she does know he is a member of the Resistance.

Erdan’s manor is a three-story building inside a low iron fence, located a few miles east of the tower depository, in the same district as a 90-ft. statue of Emperor Coaltongue. The outer walls are painted vivid green, yellow, and purple, and the two guards he keeps for protection are forced to wear tabards of the same colors. The guards meet visitors at the entry gate and offer to let guests stay inside to wait for the councilman. When the party arrives, Erdan happens to be out but his guards say that he’ll be home soon.

When Erdan arrives he is frustrated, complaining in a high-pitched, wheezing voice about the nincompoops in charge of the city. He does a double take when he sees the party, surprised to have guests. He asks the party for their names and their business, and is especially interested in details of what happened to them during the attack the previous evening. He is easily distracted and starts giving a tour of his house’s many oddities.

Erdan lives alone with a home full of his bizarre creations. Exotic weapons of all sorts adorn the walls — whips, urgroshes, double axes, double swords, monk weapons, a heavy repeating crossbow designed to look like a porcupine; everything but the now-trite spiked chain — made more exotic by unorthodox decorations like red and yellow frogs on pommels, or axeheads in the shape of bunnies. The first floor consists of a greeting hall, a dining room, a kitchen and store room, a waiting room, and three galleries. The entire second floor is a workshop devoted to elaborate and garish decorations that Erdan had hoped to use in the Festival of
Dreams, such as a bear mask for the giant statue of Coaltongue in the center of the city, swords made of woven flowers, and dresses made of candy. He lives on the third floor, in a bedroom with a wonderful view of the grand square. Looking out of it, he sighs and shakes his head, sad that he won’t get a chance to use his decorations.

Erdan is willing to talk about what has happened to the city, providing some interesting and exciting stories to help put the party’s actions in perspective:
• The griffon riders, aided by a druid who took the form of a giant eagle, were able to drive off a massive red dragon that was setting fire to the city, and they captured two of its riders.

• An incursion through one of the northern walls was held up by armed townsfolk, who lasted long enough for actual soldiers to arrive and slay the Ragesians.

• The western-most district caught fire and has been nearly gutted, but the troops have kept fighting – even some who suffered terrible burns.

• A huge earth elemental rose up from the sewers near the houses of several city council members and managed to kill them while the bulk of the city’s defenders were at the walls.

• A wyvern-rider crashed into a house and killed a family, but a group of unknown heroes tracked him down and slew him.

The party presses for help with escape. He offers to call in a favor from a Captain of the city guards. Captain Herreman runs a small cavalry detachment that regularly patrols the southern border. The message will include a note asking Herreman to take the party along.

He offers to trade for the Ragesian armor, and further offers "The heroes of Gate Pass" a selection of one item each from his collection.

When the party is ready to leave, Erdan gives them the note for Captain Herreman and directions to his post (located one district to the east, less than a mile away, near a large stable and barracks), begs them to send aid as soon as they can, and bids them good luck.

The party notices some city guards... the appear to be tailing them. After a few minutes, two guards use alleys and side streets to get ahead of the party and approaches the party from the front, while the other four come from behind to block escape. They say they are taking two characters in the party for questioning on suspicion of being mages.

Lord Robert says they are welcome to accompany them to Capt. Herreman's barracks a they are headed that way. This makes the guards nervous. A prisoner caravan approaches from
the west, heading for the central district. As you talk to the guards, A dozen soldiers escort a pair of wounded and bound orc soldiers wearing the uniform of Ragesian infantry — scale mail, a red tabard with a half-crescent fireball on the chest, and a heavy winter coat of bear furs. One of the orcs glances at the party through his one good eye, the other half of his face scarred from an old burn wound. As the convoy marches by, the guards become suddenly subdued, afraid of drawing attention to themselves. One half-heartedly congratulates the soldiers.

The party decides to push on to the barracks. The guards attempt to block the way. A fight ensues, one guard is killed, the rest flee. The guard is found to possess a Black Horses armband. As the party rides off, someone brings one of the sham guards out from the alley, claiming "Don't worry citizens, I've captured the brigand."

Capt. Herreman's Barracks:
Consisting of several three-story buildings with attached stables, the barracks are lodgings for a hundred soldiers. Each district has a similar set of barracks and number of soldiers.

Guards greet the party at the barracks, the Captain receives the group in his ready room. Captain Herreman is a grim half-orc edging toward middle age, with a thick beard that he thinks hides his orcish tusks. He’s very loyal to Councilman Menash, and fondly carries a dagger designed to look like a peeled banana, a memento of when he was an adventurer sponsored by the crazy merchant. Upon receiving the letter from Menash, he efficiently gets the party gear that will let them pass as members of his unit (studded leather, longswords, and light
crossbows), acquires light warhorses for each of them (with military saddles and winter
blankets, but no barding), and then gathers eight men that he can trust for this fake mission.

As things are made ready, a local hero delivers a prisoner. Tall, dark-haired, and roguishly handsome, by his goatee and massive greatsword you recognize this man as the local folk hero Rantle, a scoundrel and defender of the common man. Despite his light chain armor, his smirk says clearly that he thinks he’s invincible. He greets the Captain and the party. He mentions he's heard about the dustup at the Poison Apple pub, and that he needs their help.

Rantle says his sister, Katrina has a tendency to get into such trouble that I have no choice but to save her yet again!” She disappeared a little over a week ago, just before news of the approaching Ragesian army arrived. His sister is a pretty competent sorceress, he says, though she did manage to burn a few of their homes down over the years. Rantle worries, justifiably, that she might be in trouble. The last he heard of her, she was planning to head to Lyceum to get to safety, and Rantle knows enough about Torrent’s activities to guess that’s where she and the party are heading.

Rantle asks the party to deliver a scroll tube to his sister if they see her. Rantle describes his sister, “She’s about five and a half feet tall, with long red hair, and she looks too good for her own good. In short, she’s pretty much the stereotype of a fire mage. It’s kinda embarrassing.” The scroll case Rantle asks them to deliver is sealed with red wax.

With a few hours to kill before the patrol begins, the party does a bit of preparations. Near sunset (when Herreman’s regular patrol is scheduled), they ride to the gate. Along the way, a single bell at the west of the city rings out ominously and mournfully, and Herreman guesses that this means that the inquisitors have finally been let into the city.

Herreman hurries to the gate and hands over his orders to the gatekeepers, and the gatekeepers usher them through, wishing them good hunting. Ostensibly they’re supposed to be looking for a Ragesian necromancer who is desecrating graveyards by raising the dead, a dramatic tale that Councilman Menash thought would give the mission enough urgency that the guards would not be suspicious.

Once they’re outside the gates, Herreman suggests that going any further at night might be dangerous, and directs the party to a safe camping spot two miles from the city, in an abandoned tower that once was a watch post for the city, but is now in disuse.

Following the road through the cliffs towards the fire forest, the party sets a deliberate pace. The horses are sure footed on the icy terrain.

The morning passes quietly and uneventful. Lunch in the saddle brings better spirits, it appears that none follow from Gate Pass.

The party is surprised by the explosion of thunderstones very near their horses. Kah'less' horse bolts forward terrified of the noise. Kah'less himself is deafened by the great boom. Archers on the cliffs above begin to fire crossbows at the horses.

Mike leaps off his horse and begins to climb towards the men, Kah'less attempts to regain control of his mount, the rest dive for cover. As Kah'less' horse charges around a corner 3 mounted men charge forward. A battle ensues that ends with Fen chasing the leader with his flying sword. One of the ambushers is captured... he's a member of the Black Horses.

The captured Black Horse reveals that the Ragesian army offered the group 10,000 gp to return the case to Ragesia. They also decided to try to capture the party alive for some additional coinage. The Black Horses have a base not too far, it used to be a cave where they placed the 'wish pots' during the festival of dreams. Additional Black Horses are en route. The Ragesian army could be close behind them as well.

Planning an assault:
The Black Horse base is well defended and not easily reached. The cliffs and valleys provide only one direct path from which the party would be easily spotted. The alternative would be to climb up and down a dozen cliffs to attempt a stealth attack. Torrent pressures the party, they MUST get the case to Lyceum Black Horses (however annoying) be damned. The party decides discretion is the better valor in this case and proceeds...

To the Fire Forrest!

Farm and a strange girl:
About a mile from the edge of the fire forest, the sky ahead begins to glow faint red and orange, and the air smells of ash. The frigid winter temperatures warm noticeably, and red flowers dot the roadside amid yellowed grass. Cinders drift in the sky. Soon the cliffs alongside the road turn into craggy hills, and the forest fire itself comes into view, tall pine trees stretching down into a valley that burns to the horizon. A steaming river
marks the border of the fire forest, and a vast field of ash coats the ground for the last quarter mile leading to the forest.

Fen and Kah'less both feel a strengthening of fire magic.

Just before the ash field, about a half mile from the forest fire, the party spots a small farm, consisting of a two-story stone house and adjacent barn, and what looks like a pair of simple stone cairns. The farm is on a slight rise to the left of the road, and a young woman stands in clear view, dark-haired, eyes wide and blue, holding a slender black staff.

When the party is close enough to speak with her, it is clear that she is looking off vacantly, but she speaks to them, saying, “The Scourge comes, and the skulls of the dragon pursue you. I saw it in a dream.” Then she shakes her head as if coming to her senses, then meekly apologizes.

She introduces herself as Crystin, and says that she needs their help. She and her father, Haddin,
are magic-users, and they know the Ragesians are coming. Crystin says that she has visions, and she believes that wherever the party is going, they can protect her and her father. She wants to go with them. At the very least, she says, she can offer them a place to rest before they head into the forest fire.

Lord Robert ever suspicious and disrespectful of the commoners detects no evil in this girl. Makeighla recalls and recounts following tale about the girl's father Haddin as they follow the girl to the house.
"Twenty years ago, Haddin was a skilled artist and respected citizen of Gate Pass, but his half-orc half-brother Mandragore was a notorious criminal. One day, suddenly, Mandragore turned over a new leaf and began working to redeem his name. Rumors eventually arose that Haddin was mentally dominating his brother, and an investigation revealed it was true. Within weeks, amid protests of countless people who believed — right or wrong — that Haddin had likewise dominated them, Haddin’s reputation was ruined. His brother tried to defend him, but was killed by rioters, and Haddin fled the city in disgust, taking his wife and newborn daughter.

Occasionally people would see a young woman who closely resembled Haddin’s wife come into town to get supplies, her expression distant. The stories — true for once — say that this is Haddin’s daughter, dominated by the bitter old mage."

The party arrives at the house and is let in by Crystin. Aside from a few old cloth decorations, all
the furniture here is made of stone, looking to be magically shaped. A small hearth crackles with too-bright fire, and beside it an old man sits on a stone bench, perusing a spellbook and coughing incessantly. A finely-crafted warhammer hangs on the wall, surrounded by countless beautiful paintings.

The man regards Lord Robert with contempt... "As crass as you are arrogant are you boy? In my day people had manners and respect... No more it seems." After a brief discussion, the party decides to leave Haddin and Crystin to their fate. Just as the party prepares to leave the odd couple, a voice booms from outside...

Inquisitor Boreus:
Clad only in leather cords, bearskins, and a carved bear skull, this orc looks savage. A three-pronged metal claw is strapped to his right hand, and fire seems to burn in his eyes.

His voice feral and commanding, demanding Haddin
come out and turn himself over, and threatening to
kill the old mage if he doesn’t surrender.

The party peeks out the windows... in addtion to the cleric another orc, 3 Ragesian soldiers, 6 skeletons and a goblin occupy the area infront of the house.

A great battle erupts, Mike nearly dying twice, Fen being attacked by an invisable goblin, an enlarged orc whielding a great axe, an elf who twiddled this thumbs, and the home owners disappear.

Assaulting an elf:
After the battle the Shahalesti elf is attacked for beign a coward. He defends himself, but stops attacking when the paladin interrupts. He explains that his horse was spooked as was Kah'less' and that he wasn't given any orders in the recent battle. He's a soldier trained to be in a mage driven army, being in the wrong place is deadly when fireballs rain down.

The party is uninterested in his explanations. He is stripped of his armor and weapons (save his bow) and is told that if he should be seen again he would be mercilessly attacked and killed. The party also takes his potions that would protect him from the fire forest. Rivereye defends the elf and is disgusted with their behavior. Torrent is torn, she disagrees with the party's decision but needs their help to get to Lyceum.

The group parts ways:
The elf and gnome venture off alone to recover before braving the fire forest. The barbarian quietly follows them. Confident that the immediate threat is gone, Torrent recommends they rest again before heading on. When the party is finally ready, they send the horses back to Gate Pass, and then cross a charred bridge over the river into the fire forest.

The Fire Forest at last!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Adventure 1, Session 2 - Retrieving the case...

Book depository:

Talk with Rivereye Badgerface
The party spots Rivereye at the top of the stairs. He heads downstairs and feebly nods to the group, coughing and complaining that he caught a cold on his trip here from the Ragesian capital. He’s a pug-faced, ugly little gnome with blue robes and a runny nose. Rivereye inquires as to who they are. They mention Peppin isn't with them. Rivereye looks concerned, he asks if anyone of them know the password. When the party explains there is not password to be had, Rivereye bolts. Shedding his magical disguise as Rivereye, the short male elf sprints up the stairs. Some give chase, but the blond elf makes a spectacular leap off of the balcony and floats harmlessly to a nearby roof. Lord Robert glimpses an Archon drifting towards the 3rd floor.

Guards investigate, find other guards and real Rivereye tied up. Rivereye recounts story of his ambush, password ruse, and overhearing talk about 'her' and 'Gabal's School'. He describes the case as black metal, about a foot long and wide, and half a foot deep, made of (he thinks) adamantine, with a lock.

Wyvern Rider:
Talk of safehouse, party determines best to get to school quickly. In route they see the battle in the skies between Ragesian wyvern riders and Gate Pass griffon riders has been long and bloody. The party sees two flying shapes — one with feathered wings, the other with bat wings — cross paths overhead, and a loud crack sounds out. The bat-winged shape spirals out of control and crashes onto the roof of a building further down the street with a death groan. A moment later, the shattered lance of a Gate Pass griffon rider falls out of the sky, its tip having snapped off in the neck of the Ragesian wyvern. They see a rope tossed down from the roof of
the building into the street. The rider of the wyvern dismounted, descended with this rope, and then fled down the nearest alley. They find the wyvern dead, a broken lance tip driven into its throat. The rider’s tracks are easy to follow in the snow. He headed down an alley, and less than a hundred feet into his trail the party finds a trio of townsfolk, chopped to death by an axe. The trail leads to a row house, Makeighla hears sound through the door. Mike kicks in door and charges in. Party follows. They see the warrior, Flaganus Mortus, is a veteran, but injured, wearing full plate and a heavy steel shield, and carrying a masterwork battleaxe and a silver shortsword. 3 bodies are strewn about the house. Mike attacks, battle ensues... three 6'+ guys all swinging two handed swords at the guy in the corner. Lots of back and fourth, Torrent keeps Mike standing, Makeighla shoots into melee, Fen eventually burns a spell... finally victory... one body (young boy still alive). Prisoner and boy carried to safehouse.

Safe House:
Lots of people, not much space. No one is with anyone else (very important). Torrent and Rivereye find a spot and sit down. Torrent begins prayer, Rivereye attempts shut-eye. The temple is packed with at least a hundred nervous people, all squeezed into a 40-ft. circular prayer chamber and adjacent rooms. Many are nervously relating rumors of how the battle at the main gates is going. Children cry, and priests tend to numerous injuries from fire, stampeding crowds, or violent looters. People are scared and demoralized. Priests go between the wounded, tending them as best they can, their healing spells all expended.

Just inside the front door, a dark-skinned and dark-haired young woman dressed all in black plays a depressing tune on a mandolin— a typical new year’s festival song, redone in a minor key. Some of her 'audience' grumbles, she seems to be bringing down the mood. She sarcastically says she left the sheet music for her “happy songs” in her house, which burned down. Lord Robert to the rescue! Looking down his nose at the obviously low born 1/2 orc, he asks her to cease and desist that infernal racket, and furthermore get off his lawn. The lady with the mandolin refuses. A quick cheat detect evil reveals that the woman is quite evil. A mandolin exchanges hands and is inserted into the owner's face. Some of the crowd are pleased, but most are more apprehensive.

Lord Robert and Makeighla are asked to leave by paladins of the Aquiline Heart. Explanation of the order's beliefs, Lord Robert and Makeighla seem unsatisfied. They are escorted out. Kah'less and Mike speak to high priest. He tells them to bring their friends around back.

Safe House Again:
Enter back door, child and prisoner taken care of. Priest knows not much about school nor contact there in. Party rests for a spell and off to Gabal's school.

Gabal's School:
Gabal’s school consists of a small campus with four 50-ft. towers and several smaller buildings, surrounded by a moat and an iron fence. It is mockingly called The Castle by those in Gate Pass who don’t like the school’s pompous headmaster. One of the towers is cracked from a Ragesian bomb. Additionally, the corpses of a
griffon and its rider float in the moat, having been slain by a wyvern’s sting.

When the Ragesians assaulted, Gabal himself went into hiding, while some of his students went to the battle to lend their aid. Only a handful of students remain at the school. Diogenes is at the front gate, watching for signs of trouble, smoking cigarettes in an attempt to stay warm. With a paunch, a prematurely receding hairline, and a sarcastic tone that is lost on most people, this blue-robed wizard possesses an everyman’s charm. He greats Fen as a fellow student.

He takes them to a kitchen and offers them whatever they’d like while they discuss plans. Shealis has had visitors this evening (an elf and the archon), tho they left a while ago. When the party talks of about Elf woman, he mentions Shealis, a powerful evoker who is leaving soon and he has a grudge against her. Party makes plans... Diogenes has an idea. He'll challenge a her to a dual, if someone lifts her spell component pouch, she'll lose the match. Also it will keep her distracted while the party ransacks her room.

Plan is afoot, but must wait until morning. Dual is accepted and publicized. Makeighla passes Shealis as planned. This blond elf woman’s blue eyes flicker like shining sapphires, and her pale skin glows like snow. She wears concealing red robes, but the metallic gleam of chainmail peeks out from her collar. Her gloves shine like silver. Makeighla manages to lift the component pouch undetected. Shealis begins the match unaware of her missing items.

Makeighla and Kah'less attempt entry into Shealis' room. Door is trap free, guaranteed! Or not. They are joined by Fen. Opening the door reveals the Lawful Good Archon, who is dispatched with John-style diplomacy. Tho Fen's magic missile was the fatal blow. Shealis is shaken by her familiar's death, she bolts for her room. Mike and Lord Robert catch her before she gets to far, binds her, and drags her back to her room. In the room, Fen discovers explosive runes! A map to the apparent hideout inside the elvish spymaster’s spellbook, which includes notes of the location of a hidden door that leads into an elvish ghetto, about a mile away. A map of the ghetto highlights a carpentry shop that lies next to one of the walls, and a note in Elvish reads, “Arborea before Elysium before Celestia.” Shealis is interrogated, Makeighla 'confesses' to killing the familiar, she's rewarded with a few magic missiles.

Diogenes arrives shortly there after, inquiring about Shaelis. The party clues him in, and he assists by charming Shaelis. She reveals the location of hideout, that her friends are there and they have the case. She doesn't share her spellbook secrets, as not even a close friend gets those. Her contact in Shahalesti is a wizard named Clathan. Her mission was to take the case back to her homeland. They don't want the Ragesian's to win either.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Fëanáro ("Fen") Ar-Feiniel

Fëanáro Ar-Feiniel (most call me Fen for short)

Description: 5’3” 120lb, a bit muscular for an elf, especially a wizard. Good looking with a hint of mischief in his eyes. You can tell he never takes anything to serious but he will also open the flood gates of pain if you piss him off. Fen has made a bit of a name for himself as being a womanizer. His superiors never really said anything but did warn him to not let anything interfere with his magical studies. He had one relationship that was longer than the other women he usually consorted with. She was a wayfarer. Just thinking of her is enough to bring a small smile to his lips and a look of longing in his eyes. She was a bit of a magic user herself which came in handy as they were hiding the relationship from her betrothed. The wayfarers step was very useful to them both for coming and going without people’s noses getting in the way.


1/2 Orc War Priest of Gorum

Tall, broad shouldered, heavily muscled like all of his race but without being so bulky as to be slow or clumsy. Long brown hair, deeply tanned brown skin, dark eyes. Slightly alien features like all those of mixed orc and human parentage. Weapons and armor well worn and well cared for. Holy symbol proudly displayed on a silver chain around his neck.

Kah'less was born in the slums of Gate Pass. He was orphaned at an early age and was taken in by the temple district. Given his heritage its no surprise that the only place he seemed to fit in was the temple of Gorum. It was there that he was taught that strength is only valuable if accompanied by wisdom. That knowing where to strike is just as important has striking with strength and skill. There he learned weapons and spellcraft and was taught to venerate the God of War, for whom Valor is the greatest virtue. Winning glory in battle through courage, strength of arms and strength of will, aiding allies and smiting foes with steel and spell, these are the things on which a War Priest of Gorum thrives. His followers seek to hone their physical and mystical prowess by practicing them both in combat. Kah'less has demonstrated an aptitude for both. Although his natural tendency is to rely more on sword than spell he has come to learn the value of magic to prepare for combat,damage and confuse foes during combat, and to restore injured comrades after the battle.

Of late his order has called upon him to safeguard the workers in the mines near Gate Pass. He sees this as both a blessing and a curse. The mines are a far cry from the glorious battlefield on which he would prefer to tempt his fate but his current duties are far more appealing than spending day after day in study, meditation, and occasionally assisting in the preparation of a potion or blessed weapon.

"This post is no fit place for a War Priest. Damp, cold, filthy, and the worthiest foe on which to test oneself is likely a goblin or troglodyte if one is lucky enough to encounter any foe at all other than boredom. But then again, Gorum teaches us that there is something to be learned from even the most seemingly ordinary foe if one is just wise enough to see it. And my post here, drab and mundane as it often is, is still far preferable to endless study in the temple. At least here I can help protect the workers, ensure that their food and drink is safe for them to consume (although if they would allow alcohol here pure water would be less of a concern. and come to think of it so would boredom...), and heal any injuries they receive in their duties. And the opportunity to fight alongside so wide an assortment of allies, at least on the rare occasion that fighting is necessary at all, is a learning experience as well. It would be foolish to ignore the opportunity to observe the different ways each of my new comrades approaches similar obstacles.

But still, I can't help wondering if the rumors we've heard are true. If they are, perhaps I may finally get a chance to test my skills in the crucible of battle, against truly worth foes. Perhaps we all may tempt our fates..."

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Lord Robert Wellesley

Lord Robert Wellesley

6’2", 215lbs, brown/brown, perpetual sneer at the lower class. Likes dwarves cause their heads make a convenient ball rest. Not particularly handsome but has moments of charismatic personality that shine through his vaneer of jackassery.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Our Story Begins...

Minetown 1 week before New Years:

You are awoken/interrupted about an hour before your shift is set to start, by the loud clack-clack-clack of the alarm. You've heard this sound only once before, the metallic clang is an ominous one. The previous event that warranted it, ended with a 10' stinking worm dead at your feet. As you look towards the mine sounding the alarm you see a young boy, a runner, sprinting towards you.

He he skids to a halt and pants "Cavern opened...they went in...didn't come out... bout 10 minutes ago...". You know that "they" could only be the on shift security team.

As you hastily gather your equipment, you mentally run through the standard cavern clearing routine. As soon as the miners open a cavern they can't see the far wall of, they quietly get the security team. Miners are stationed at the entrance with lanterns, torches, pick axes and a gong. The team scouts/clears the cavern, if they don't report in 10 minutes the gong is sounded.

You notice a dull roar as you thread your way through the mines lead by the still panting boy. This is a new and unsettling sound. As you approach the rough opening the miners created, you notice a strange reddish glow. 3 miners armed with pickaxes and the elven storekeep armed with rapier are gathered near the opening. The miners tell you that Yellowcloud, Lucas and Tarla entered 13 minutes or so ago, they heard some muffled shouting, but nothing since. The volunteer guard (storekeep) says was patrolling a shaft close by when she heard the gong. She's heard nothing since she arrived. The miners refuse to enter, the elf seems curious.

You enter a large irregular cavern (20' ceiling), the strange glow is coming from a moss on ceiling above a building (poor illumination). As you add your light to the dim hellish glow from above, you notice the squat stone building is on a small island in middle of a dirty slow moving river. It appears to have an opening facing south, surrounded by a low wall. A waterfall high on the north wall drains into a largish pool on south end. Dimly above the crashing water you hear a strange sounds coming from south pool... You see shadowy movement, and hear the occasional clink of metal mingled with a cracking and ripping sounds.

As you draw closer to the pool and noise, you see two enormous bone white crabs ripping apart what was once Yellowcloud. One of the crabs appears injured and is missing a pincer. Behind the gory meal, you see a much larger crab half submerged in the pool, apparently dead from the great axe buried to the handle in it's alien face. To the left of the hulking carcass, you see Tarla. Her body severed nearly in two. A faint glow from the edge of the pool appears to be splintered bit of Lucas' staff. The two feeding crabs continue to tear apart Yellowcloud.

The crabs were no match for the combined fury of the group. The crabs fell quickly and mostly with out incident. Charging over rough terrain is never easy, especially in heavy armor. Kah'less deftly maneuvered into position and with Gorum's divine will, one crab was shucked by a stinking badger. Mike landed a mighty blow which split another in twain.

Yellowcloud's body had a curious would... an old rotted spear protruded from his back. The remains of Lucas were never recovered. As the party was mopping up the crustaceans, Lance noticed two rotted heads hiding near the building... Zombies? Whack first and ask questions later, as a longsword flew magically to the ghoulish kobolds. After a volley of spears, the diminutive undead retreated into the low stone building.

Under the baleful stare of Mike, the miners carried the bodies of their comrades, their friends, from the diabolic cave. They would be avenged! After crossing the river of course. Makeighla and Lance alone were dry upon the curious little island. The stone building is built for for tiny people, the door is 4.5' high. The roof stands at most 7' off the moist ground. The building is oddly formed, no apparent seams or angles. It looks as if it's all a single piece of stone, the wizard guesses StoneShape was used. A sturdy driftwood door stood between our heroes a revenge.

The volunteer guard, sheepishly revealed her true skills as she examined and unlocked the sole entrance. Mike charged blindly into the room, never seeing the sharp caltrops that pierced his flesh. He charged the two zombies whom threw a spear each, and further retreated. These were not typical zombies...these had a spark of intelligence.

The first room cleared of enemies, the rest of the party enters and quickly looks around. This room appears to have been used as a library long, long ago. Everything is moldy, damp and rotted. A small table, some chairs and a trap door are the only items besides the rows of former books. The trap door is metal and rusty it opens to dark water The door retreated too, has no lock is moldy and looks easily pushed open.

The door opens easily... two torches illuminate the scene. A luxurious bedroom after decades of rot, a well preserved chest and it's twin guardians. Kah'less and Mike make quick work of the zombies with magic and sword respectively, tho not without risk. Close quarters and greatswords are a dangerous combination. The elf woman again shows her prowess as she renders the magical fire trap harmless and quickly unlocks the chest. The chest is ironwood and well made, it contains a book in ancient draconic, a kobold sized silver dagger of exquisite make, and a scroll with an intricate circular design.

While examining the treasure, some notice one wall looks out of place. A small section doesn't share the rot that wraps the rest of the interior. After careful examination, the illusion is seen through. A tiny rotted ladder leads down to a claustrophobic room. Three feet of space between ceiling and floor, one foot of that dirty, cold water.

The lithe elf volunteers to examine what lies below. Heat-less torch in hand, she squats in the dark water and relays sight to her companions above. The back a tiny skeleton in rotted robes holding onto a rusty podium; a circle of blood floats solidly upon the rippling water ringing the macabre lecturer; on the far wall the glassware of an alchemist lab glitters as the torch flickers. As Makeighla skirts the circle, she describes a book and amulet upon the podium, the skeleton's exposed bones appear melted together. The other elf joins, and having accidently stumbled across the circle, fearlessly approaches the failed lich. The bloody circle dissipates. The book burned beyond recovery, the amulet delivering a powerful negative pulse when disturbed, Lance recovered two gold infused knuckle bones and a melted platinum necklace.
The party packed as much of the glassware as possible into the ironwood chest, and prepared to withdraw. One last look around, Lance noticed something... something moving... well more scuttling. A house-cat sized crab was skirting the wall near the remains of the lab. With a single deft stab, Lance impaled the crab on his longsword. He smiled to himself as the creature twitched for the last time. Vengeance delivered.

Upon exiting the domain of crabs and kobold zombies, Thaddeus (the mine boss) inquired about the haul. He asked Lance to catalog the booty and deliver it to the safe house. Makeighla helpfully assisted with the cataloging. Before departing for a well deserved rest, Thaddeus told of the impending war and vacating of Minetown.

Gate Pass 3 days before New Years:

After a day of prep and two days ride on slow wagons, they arrived in Gate Pass. Agreeing to meet at the Winking Unicorn Taproom to nights hence for a celebration of survival and to share rumors of impending war. Each went their own way, but all went toward comfort. They each learned of the Scourge, Ragesia's aggression, and the Resistance.

Lance returned to his teachers at Gabal's Academy, bringing them the ancient draconic book and the scroll of unknown symbolism. They accepted this contribution to the greater knowledge of magic, and in turn shared with him a spell of special power. One of the founder's own arcane incantations, the scroll written in Gabal's own hand. This was a prized possession indeed. Lance also learned of the plot by the city leaders to appease the Ragesian army that is fast approaching by allowing inquisitors into the city. The wizards of Gabal's agree that the mage hunting inquisitors will attempt to kill or capture every spellcaster in the city to further weaken Gate Pass' defense.

Kah'less learned that although the Ragesians were mostly his brothers in blood and war, they were a rigid society. Gorum would have none of this. High priest Tobias counseled Kah'less to seek out a women, and assist her with her mission. He was told a location, a time, and a name. The Poision Apple Pub, just before midnight New Year's eve, Torrent. While Kah'less would not be on the front lines defending Gate Pass, he was comforted by the thought that he may miss one battle but he would help win the war.

After dismissing his followers, Lord Robert Wellesley retired to his cottage near the church of Iomedae goddess of valor and justice. The squires/alterboys were full of insipid talk as always. But Robert noticed a dark mood creep over the boys as they polished his armor. Their talk turned from girls to war to fear. This would not do, Robert thought. Tho of low birth the boys were followers of Iomedae, they were duty bound to be brave. "Iomedae be shamed to hear you boys speak of fear. She's the goddess of Victory not defeat. You boys move your hands faster and your mouths not at all." The Ragesians were a barbaric lot, a low born half-orc emperor indeed. That's what got them into this mess.

After a long day in a wobbly wagon, Mike decided beer (and lots of it) was the best cure for a sore arse. He went immediately to Murky's Alehouse, his favorite tavern. He greatly liked the place, the owners liked the boy and knew he could handle himself in the rough crowd. It's not like they could turn him away, the wiry boy's lean physique belied his great strength, his penetrating eyes could stare a hole clean through you, and a he was paying customer to boot. He was served mead and ale while a sleazy bard sung songs of ravaging noble women and robbing their fathers and husbands. Talk about the bar was muted and quickly turned to the Ragesian war machine. A potato farmer spoke of them raiding his fields and his cabinets. Another added they were forcing the planesfolk from their lands to create huge farms. "A hungry soldier is good, but too hungry and he'll eat his commander. Tha's what my pappy says! Might as well use that land for something." quipped a drunk man next to Mike. The man ignored Mike's malevolent stare. The haughty man then patted Mike on the shoulder and with a condescending undertone said "No big loss overall, your people ain't doing notin with it." Mike didn't like this man's tone. After a punch to the throat, his tone would never be quite the same again.

The elven 'shop keep' darted down a dark alley way, and knocked upon a non-descript wooden door. A question greeted her knock. "Why would someone be bothering me at tea-time?" Makeighla answered sweetly, "But uncle, I brought your tea cakes." The door to her left opened a crack, the man behind it looked past Makeighla down the alley and beckoned her enter. The upstairs was a giant luxury bedroom. A one handed halfling lounged engulfed in silk pillows. He didn't so much as look up from his book as Makeighla approached. "What did you bring me from the mines?" he said with disinterest. Makeighla recounted the most recent adventure, as it was the only exciting thing to happen since she was in this room last. His pleasure was evident at the mention of the lich's abandoned hovel. He would have his people search the place with a fine tooth comb. He bit her to do some reconnaissance, a meeting was to be had at the Poision Apple Pub round midnight New Year's eve. A resistance operative was going to meet some woud-be assitance to complete some mission. A rumor of vital military intelligence that may cripple the Ragesian war effort. Makeighla was to find out what this information was, assist if necessary, but under no circumstances let the information fall into Ragesian hands. The resistance was to be helped. The guild was against this war, it's bad for business.

Upon meeting at the Winking Unicorn, they shared their stories (most of them anyway). They decided to help the resistance, to help Torrent in her mission. Rough plans were drawn, where to meet, where to leave the horses, what to bring...

The Secret Meeting - Poison Apple Pub, New Year's Eve
With an army at the gates, the streets are fairly deserted and normal festivities muted, letting the heroes travel unmolested. The pub is in a poorer district about a mile from the western city wall, filled with slushcovered cobblestone streets and dark, snow-filled alleyways. The evening is dark and claustrophobic, the multistory buildings of the city looming in the night, no lights in most windows. The pub is a two-story building attached by a rooftop bridge to a neighboring house. The door and windows are boarded up, and the curtains drawn (though a faint light can be seen).

Down the street from the pub is a stable where the heroes can leave mounts, and the heroes have been told to enter through a side alley entrance to avoid being seen. The door is locked as Makeighla attempts to pick the lock, Torrent opens the door a crack. After checking to make sure it’s safe, she lets them in, gesturing casually to a table where she has set up a lamp, a map, several mugs, and a small keg of beer.

As tall and strong as the typical warrior, Torrent is a distinctive looking woman with tanned skin and short white hair. Under a dark winter coat she wears a breastplate decorated with blue wave-like etchings, and a holy symbol to a sea god is tied to her wrist with a leather cord. Her demeanor is smooth but forceful, like an ocean wave.

The darkened pub is mostly empty now, its many tables and chairs pushed to one wall and covered with sheets. A single table sits in the middle of the room, with enough chairs for all of you. A small oil lamp and a keg sit on top of it, along with several mugs. At the back corner of the common room beside the bar, a staircase leads upstairs. The windows and door facing onto the street are closed, and you know they have been boarded up from the outside. On the wall behind the bar hangs a bronze bust of the former emperor of Ragesia, Drakus Coaltongue, a regal, aged half-orc with a scar cutting diagonally across his face. You and Torrent are the only people in the room.

Makeighla scouts the pub as the others pull up a chair and have a beer. As the bells toll in celebration of New Years, Torrent grimaces and straightens in her chair, and says, “That’s one year gone. I guess it’s time to get down to business." She proceeds to tell the party much of what they already know... The Ragesian army fast approaches, the city council will likely let in the inquisitors, and there's intelligence vital to the resistance in the city. Torrent has been tasked to bring this intelligence to the Lyceum Academy of Magic far to the south. The Academy has offered refuge to all (especially spell casters) from the Ragesian Scourge. Rumor is that they are preparing to make a stand against Supreme Inquisitor Leska and her masked inquisitors. But she get's ahead of herself... first the party must get their hands on this intelligence.

“The short version is that we’ve got to meet a contact —a gnome named Rivereye Badgerface — in about an hour at a guarded depository about a half-mile from here. He’s carrying a case of vital military intelligence which he stole from the Ragesian palace, and the heads of the resistance think that it needs to reach Lyceum. We’ve got to get that case, get out of the city, and get far away from here before the idiot city council lets the Ragesian inquisitors in. Once that happens, the odds of us escaping are —“ she finishes off her mug of beer in one long guzzle “— slim."

"There is a complication in this too... Rivereye a gnome sorcerer and spy from Lyceum, was acting as a servant in the imperial palace for Kreven, second-in-command of the inquisitors. His normal contact in Gate Pass — Peppin Tallman, a human wizard from Lyceum — would occasionally pass along information to the resistance, but a week ago that contact was found dead. A speak with dead spell revealed that Tallman was scheduled to meet Rivereye, as well as the time and place of the meeting, but the identity of Tallman’s killer was unknown. I'm concerned that someone else is after the case, and that Rivereye might spook when he sees Peppin isn’t with us."

There is much discussion and planning. Escape from the city is at the forefront. Lance recalls one city councilman, Erdan Menash, is sympathetic to heroes and adventurers. Torrent has never met him, but she knows where he lives — his house is impossible to miss.

Torrent is confident the path to Lyceum will be safe-ish. Her plan is to take take a little-traveled road south from the city to the border of the Innenotdar Fire Forest, thirty miles away. Decades ago, the Elf Road ran through the fire forest to the nation of Dassen, where Lyceum is, but during the last war some catastrophe happened. The forest was set on fire, and it has not stopped burning since. Rather than trying to survive in the wilderness in winter, or to sneak past countless patrols of Ragesians, Torrent has prepared for a journey through the fire forest. She has a pouch full of potions that will let the party survive the intense heat, and she doubts any hostile forces will be able to muster enough similar magic to follow them. She is confident the trip through the fire forest should take less than two days.

As plans are wrapped up, the bells of celebration go silent. A creaking on the floor above is overheard... Someone is up stairs. Torrent quietly retrieves her family's heirloom, a masterwork battleaxe. Hand signals indicate who is to do what. Mike charges the stairs (forgetting a lightsource), Makeighla awaits her prey behind the door, Lance readies his components, Kah'less and Robert draw and ready their weapons.

Distant muted thumps fill the air... like ripe fruit landing on the roof of a house. A shout from the street... "Front Door: Go!" The front door shudders as a battering ram slams into it, cracking the door and the frame as well. One more hit, and the door will be in splinters. Torrent positions herself between Lance and the door.

Mike in a blind rage (literally and figuratively) gropes for the enemy that is hidden in the darkness. He is welcomed by the thud of a sap against his forehead. Robert chases Mike upstairs.

Suddenly a deafening boom, the building shakes. Ceiling boards crack and buckle, and the flaming oil spraying around upstairs leaks down into the room like a fiery rain. Overhead, a handful of screams sound out as the remaining scouts are caught in the flaming burst and slain. The bronze bust of Emperor Coaltongue falls off the wall and lands with a thud.

Mike seeing clearly now (thanks to the flaming oil) attacks the two remaining the half-orcs garbed in studded leather and a distinctive armbands. Red, with a black horse head, and letters in a unknown and strange language. The door bursts open and a mail clad warrior runs directly between Kah'less' greatsword, Makeighla's rapier and Lance's magically propelled longsword. He is quickly dispatched. The Black Horses attempt surrender after one of their number is slain.

The brigands attempt to negotiate with our heroes for their fallen comrades... the party scoffs, and attempts to lure them in. Lance hurls insults (most of which are above the brigands' heads). The Black Horses reluctantly leave their fallen comrades, better to fight again another day.

The party binds, strips, and questions the fallen men. They divulge their plan, they're paid 100 gp a head for spell casters as well as what ever they looted. They weren't bad guys, just trying to feed their families/gambling debit. "Ragesia going to get ya anyways, why not make a goodly profit eh? You'd a done the same, you would." Torrent hurries the party along. The bombing may cause him to flee and getting to the rendezvous in time will be tricky with the city in a panic. The men are released in their underclothes and treats of harm should they be seen again.

Navigating a City Under Attack:
The streets are filled with panicking people. The bombing has subsided, but a battle has begun at the west wall. Townsfolk rush about trying to put out fires or get to the shelter of temples, and soldiers hurry to their posts, slowed by the throng and chaos. All the while, bells ring urgent warnings up and down the mountain pass. As the party heads for their rendezvous with Rivereye at the depository, the party is caught in the confusion as masses of people surge about in near darkness.

The party passes a family in the streets. The father is burnt and barely standing, having run back inside his burning house to try to rescue his wife, whose unconscious and burnt body he carries. With his three children, huddled in coats and whimpering, the man croaks out cries for help. As the party is moving by, the man finally collapses from exhaustion. Robert and Kah'less split from the group to assist the family. The rest rush to the Depository. Channeling the power of Gorum, Kah'less radiates a healing wave that awakens both the man and his still smoking wife. The family thanks you greatly and promises to give to Gorum. As the move to catch up, they are again hear calls for help. A woman trapped at the top of a four story building, screams for help. Backlit by the flames engulfing the building she begs to be saved. Robert and Kah'less gather men from the crowd to assist with a daring plan. A blanket is held taunt by the men, the woman is beconed to jump to safety. Kah'less is forced to reason with the woman. "If you jump now, at worst you'll break a leg; if you stay where you are, you'll burn to death." This brings her to her senses and she leaps through the smoke to land roughly on the blanket below.

Catching up with the rest of the group, is easy as the gate between two disticts is packed with people. Too many people trying to squeeze through too narrow a passage. Suddenly, fear rolls across the party like blast of cold wind. Only Rita and Kah'less are immune to the gut wrenching fear. Everyone in the crowd panics at the same time, screaming and tearing at each other to flee. Those who panic flee irrationally through the crowd of terrified citizens. One soldier patrolling the gate wall jumps in terror and falls amid the crowd, being trampled to unconsciousness. You all notice a crimson, bat-winged shape the size of a house swooping through the sky about a hundred feet overhead. As it passes out of view over other buildings, a surge of panicked screams rise along its path. It is too dark to make out clearly what the creature causing the fear is. Once the panic ends, the party regroups.

The Depository Tower - Early New Year's day
In the next district to the east, Rivereye Badgerface waits at the Depository Tower, expecting to hand over a case full of valuable military intelligence to his contact, Peppin. Unbeknownst to him, Peppin is dead, slain by unknown agents.

The depository is an eighty foot high tower located in the center of its district, and is surrounded by a fenced compound that is guarded day and night. Torrent has an account there, so she and the party will be able to enter, though the guards are cautious, not wanting rioters to get inside.
The grounds of the depository are 120 ft. square, while the tower itself is 60 ft. in diameter and 80 ft. high. A 20-ft. high iron fence rings the compound, with the space between the fence and tower filled with well tended gardens. Just inside the entry gate are a pair of beautiful fountains; one depicting four elemental spirits common to local legends — a dragon, a worm, a kraken, and an eagle — and the other dominated by a statue of Emperor Coaltongue, posing with his torch held high, lit by continual flame.

There is only one entrance to the compound, through a sturdy gate house guarded at all times by depository guards. The guards appear to be all dwarves, orcs, or half-orcs, since their darkvision lets them better keep an eye on the valuables stored here.

The tower has only one ground entrance, large double iron doors. As a guard escorts the party to the entrance to the tower, and offers you lanterns, since the interior is dark. He says, "They're guards inside, so don’t ‘accidentally’ open anyone else’s locker, ya get me? An there's an ugly gnome already came inside, so don't be startled if ye bump into 'em. Ugly as the day is long that one."

As you enter the tower, you notice the first floor of the tower is one huge room, and though the far side is hidden in shadows, it looks to be about sixty feet in diameter. A broad stone ramp circles clockwise upward to the left of the door, while the interior of the room is filled with aisles of metal lockers, each slightly larger than a coffin propped upright. The ceiling is twenty feet high, supported by squat round columns.