Thursday, April 30, 2009


I've had a recommendation for some meta game reward for creative thinking/great role playing/doing something cool.
Here's my idea:
1) At the end of every session, secret ballot on who did the coolest/best/most creative thing done IN CHARACTER
      a. Either just the person in general or a specific thing
2) The winner is presented with a token either right then or at the beginning of the next session
3) This token can be used at anytime to force the re-roll of any ONE dice
      a. Your dice, your friends dice, an enemy's dice (any ONE dice)
      b. Attack, damage, skill check, saving throw (any ONE roll)
4) The user of the token determines which result to use

Rules of the token:
1) No one can have more than one token at any one time
2) You must receive at least two votes to receive a token (if everyone votes for themselves, nobody gets nada)
3) If you have a token and were voted to receive a 2nd token, the token will go to the player with the 2nd highest vote total
4) If everyone already has a token, learn to use them!
5) The token must be used before the next dice is rolled
      a. If an attack hits you, you have to use your token before damage is rolled
      b. If the damage is already known, you can have it (one dice anyway) re-rolled, but you cannot have the attack re-rolled
6) The dice re-rolled using the token cannot also be re-rolled using any other ability/effect/feat
      a. Except if another player plays his token on your behalf

What do you guys think?

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